The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


When Harry Met Sally (15)

  • 1989
  • 1h 35m
  • USA


  • Directed by Rob Reinder
  • Origin USA
  • Year 1989
  • Duration 1h 35m
  • Certificate 15
  • Type Film

Sally and Harry share a road trip on the way from university to the big city of New York, where they are on the way to start their lives. Although the two don’t initially hit it off, over a decade of inconclusive debates, the two question whether men and women can be just friends. Over their ever-developing friendship they share their hopes, dreams, failures and successes and fall in love. One of the greatest romantic comedies of all time, written by the great Nora Ephron with perfectly pitched performances from the cast, this beloved film culminates on New Years’ Eve with a reminder to toast old friends. 

Trailers & clips
