The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


The Muppet Christmas Carol (U)

  • 1h 25m


  • Duration 1h 25m

UK | 1992 | 85’ | U | Brian Henson |Michael Caine, Frank Oz, Dave Goelz  

Ebenezer Scrooge, is an old miser who hates Christmas and the joy the season brings. Working for the skinflint is his faithful employee Bob Cratchit, who begs Scrooge for a day off for Christmas. Scrooge reluctantly agrees and goes home on Christmas Eve filled with bile at the holiday merrymakers. But then he is visited by the sprits of Christmas Past, Present, and Future, and Scrooge, after revisiting his sorrowful past, hate-filled present, and doomed future, turns over a new leaf and becomes the most generous and celebratory person in town.  
