Tom Marshman: Section 28 and Me Tea Party
- 2h 0m
- Duration 2h 0m
- Type Plays/Drama
In connection with his new show, Section 28 and Me, coming to Chapter in June, Bristol-based artist Tom Marshman is gathering communities to explore the impact of Section 28 legislation introduced by Margaret Thatcher's Conservative government.
Over the past year, Tom has been hosting tea parties and collecting stories from across the UK. Personally, he wonders if growing up within the decade in which queer life was silenced has made him a bit of a show off, compelled to share queer or LGBTQI+ stories? He has observed strong reactions to this legislation – emotions are running high, particularly at this dangerous moment when a repeat of similar legislation is possible, returning to the silencing of queerness in this country.
The tea parties are a place for communities to meet and share their stories over tea and cake. You could have lived through this time or be curious to know more, everyone is welcome. There will be short performances connected to the topic to provoke conversation, providing starting points for discussion.
Image credit: Mark Gray
Frances Bolley is a Cardiff based multi-instrumentalist musician and performance artist and will be co-facilitating/performing. Her creative practice is rooted in play and improvisation, with a rich theoretical grounding, using the language and canon of music, theatre, dance, fine art and philosophy to explore storytelling, wellbeing, spirituality and the relationship between author and listener.
As a solo artist under the moniker ‘Incorrigible Girl’, Frances writes upon her experiences as a Mixed Race, Neurodivergent, Transgender, Queer, Christian, Woman. She is excited to draw together the threads of her multidisciplinary practice to forge meaningful connections with her audience.
This performance is Pay What You Can. Please choose a ticket price according to what you can afford.
Payments go directly to supporting the artists that we work with and our community to bring you more performances, exhibitions, events, and activities like this in the future as well as ensuring Chapter is as inclusive and accessible as possible.
Mewn cysylltiad â’i sioe newydd, Section 28 and Me, sy’n dod i Chapter ym mis Mehefin, mae’r artist Tom Marshman o Fryste yn cynnull cymunedau i archwilio effaith deddfwriaeth Adran 28 a gyflwynwyd gan lywodraeth Geidwadol Margaret Thatcher.
Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, mae Tom wedi bod yn cynnal te partis ac yn casglu straeon o bob rhan o Brydain. Yn bersonol, mae’n meddwl tybed a yw tyfu i fyny yn ystod y degawd pan oedd bywyd cwiar yn cael ei dawelu wedi golygu ei fod yn rhywun sy’n dangos ei hunan, ac sy’n cael ei gymell i rannu straeon cwiar neu LHDTCRhA+? Mae wedi gweld ymatebion cryf i’r ddeddfwriaeth yma – mae emosiynau’n agos i’r wyneb, yn enwedig yn ystod y cyfnod peryglus yma pan mae’n bosib i ddeddfwriaeth debyg ymddangos unwaith eto, gan ddychwelyd at dawelu cwiardeb y wlad.
Mae te partis yn lle i gymunedau gwrdd a rhannu eu straeon dros baned a chacen. Efallai eich bod wedi byw drwy’r cyfnod yma neu eich bod yn awyddus i wybod mwy, mae croeso i bawb. Bydd perfformiadau byr yn gysylltiedig â’r pwnc i ysgogi sgwrs, gan gynnig man cychwyn ar gyfer trafodaeth.
Artist perfformio a cherddor aml-offeryn sy’n byw yng Nghaerdydd yw Frances Bolley. Mae gwreiddiau ei harfer creadigol mewn chwarae a byrfyfyrio, gyda sylfaen ddamcaniaethol gyfoethog, gan ddefnyddio iaith a chanon cerddoriaeth, theatr, dawns, celf gain ac athroniaeth i archwilio straeon, llesiant, ysbrydolrwydd, a’r berthynas rhwng awdur a gwrandäwr.
Fel artist unigol o dan yr enw ‘Incorrigible Girl’, mae Frances yn ysgrifennu am ei phrofiadau fel Menyw Hil-gymysg, Niwroamrywiol, Drawsryweddol, Gwiar, Gristnogol. Mae’n edrych ymlaen i ddod â holl ffrydiau ei harfer amlddisgyblaethol at ei gilydd i ffurfio cysylltiadau ystyrlon gyda’i chynulleidfa.