The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


Public Preview: Abi Palmer

£7 - £9


Join us and artist Abi Palmer to celebrate the opening of her exhibition, Slime Mother – featuring holy gastropods, a slimy manifesto and a giant slug disco – in a multisensory exploration that will leave us all feeling more slug-like.

We want to welcome as many people as possible to the exhibition so, on 19 and 20 July, we're offering three ways to get together and celebrate the opening with the artist.

Relaxed Exhibition Launch

Friday 19 July, 4-6pm, Gallery:

During this period, we're asking people to wear a mask and not wear perfume. Sounds in the exhibition will be lowered.

Refreshments will be available in our cafe which also has an outdoor seating area.

RSVP here.

Exhibition Launch with reading

Friday 19 July, 6-8pm, Gallery:

At 7pm, there'll be a short reading by Abi from the exhibition's accompanying text Slugs: A Manifesto (published by Makina Books). A pay bar will be available.

Masks are not mandatory but are welcomed.

RSVP here.

Saturday 20 July, 12-1.15pm, Online:

A live virtual tour by Abi followed by a short reading from Slugs: a Manifesto. Captions will be available. You can book a place here and joining instructions will be emailed to you.

Book your free ticket here.

BSL interpretation by Rebecca Mahoney.


Chapter is a level-access building. There's plenty of seating at different levels available throughout the exhibition.

BSL-led tours of the exhibition are planned throughout the season – please see our website for updates.

You can find out more about physical access to Chapter, including an audio-described tour of the venue, here

Please get in touch if you have specific access requirements you want to discuss prior to visiting.



  • Friday 19 July 2024

    1. 4:00pm