The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


Next level filmmaking: a short masterclass for creatives aged 13-15

  • 3h 0m


  • Duration 3h 0m
  • Type Workshops

During this free hands-on session, you'll learn techniques and tricks for shooting and editing great short films on your iPhone or Android smartphone. We’ll look at what makes a good film, and how to film cool shots and edit them together so they tell your story effectively.

Hosted by Tom Barrance, the creator of learnaboutfilm.com and the ebook Start Making Movies.

You’ll need to install the free VN Editor app before the session. If you have any questions, please email moviemaker@chapter.org.

This event is one of several made possible by a donation from the Brainwave Trust, in memory of Ewart Parkinson OBE.

Ewart Parkinson was an engineer and Director of Environment and Planning for South Glamorgan County Council who steered through the pedestrianisation of Cardiff City centre and the development of the Bay. He was passionate about supporting creativity and inclusivity in Cardiff and Wales. Our goal for this funded programme is to encourage and support our next generation of filmmaking talent.
