The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


EXPERIMENTICA 24: SERAFINE1369: The Ways, The Fortune, The Fall

  • 1h 45m


  • Duration 1h 45m

SERAFINE1369 presents a new performance with an original score exploring ideas of choreographic decay, fragmentation, cyclicality and fleeting catharsis.

"This is a work made in winter for the spring, listening in the darkness to the subterranean murmurs of things about to emerge that can't yet be seen or touched. They say that it's always darkest before the dawn.

The starting point (if there can be such a thing as a beginning) is a line from a poem I wrote at the invitation of another artist, the contemporary dance practice of making versions of 'Le Sacre du Printempts' or 'The Rite of Spring' and a work I made in 2019 just before the pandemic. Each of these speak to the reckonings and returns that cycles can bring.

A fragment of the poem loops through all three tracks that make up The Ways, The Fortune, The Fall. Each track is eleven minutes and eleven seconds in duration. The cycle will run three times."

Audio Flyer: Accessible Programme

Performance: Fernanda Muñoz-Newsome, Steph McMann, SERAFINE1369
Sound Design: Josh Anio Grigg
Light Design: Jackie Shemesh
Production: Nancy May Roberts (Metal & Water)

is an independent artist, dancer and body-focused researcher working with dancing as a philosophical undertaking, a political project with ethical psycho-spiritual ramifications for being-in-the-world; dancing as intimate technology. Their work is choreographic and uses (de)composition as a state of cycling and crumbling towards the stark expressive utterances of the minutiae of sensing. Their methodology is intuitive and many-headed, considering the interrelatedness of myriad systems.

Access: Audio-description

Content warnings: Low lighting

Latecomer policy: Doors will open fifteen minutes before the performance start time, please arrive promptly as this event has limited capacity. Any empty seats five minutes before the performance start time, will be released and re-sold on a first come first served basis on the door.

This performance is Pay What You Can. Please choose a ticket price according to what you can afford.

Payments go directly to supporting the artists that we work with and our community to bring you more performances, exhibitions, events, and activities like this in the future as well as ensuring Chapter is as inclusive and accessible as possible.


The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.

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