The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.



  • 2h 15m


  • Duration 2h 15m

Referencing Chapter’s history as a former school, SCORE revisit the playground as a physical and theoretical space for understanding the world we share. A fragmented encounter exploring the tension between intuition, rules, and each other.

SCORE is a pulsating slime of oddballs and artists from across Wales.

Devised in 2022 as a provocation to explore ‘live-ness’ and performativity within the Welsh context, SCORE is a curious constellation of energies and aspirations, constantly reshaping and redefining the boundaries of its own creative expression.

Central to the group’s method is a thirst for playfulness, collaboration, co-authorship, grit, tenderness, the ephemeral, and the ‘live’. Working together to perform in the face of the unknown.

SCORE thrives on spontaneous creative exchange, where differences interplay, allowing a range of diverse voices to collide and ignite in unique and unexpected circumstances.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Durational, Nudity, Strobe, Blackout, Low Lighting, Bloodletting.

Latecomers: Doors will open fifteen minutes before the performance start time, please arrive promptly as this event has limited capacity. Any empty seats five minutes before the performance start time, will be released and re-sold on a first come first served basis on the door.

