The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


EXPERIMENTICA 24: Ffion Campbell-Davies: Your skin is my land (home)

  • 1h 0m


  • Duration 1h 0m

Influenced by ritual and informed by qigong & traditional Chinese medicine. Focusing on somatic experiencing and meditative activism Your skin is my land(home) brings the audience and performance into one unified field, as collective synergy is explored through sound design, interactive conversation, and live looping. Ffion reflects on the relationship between the body and the earth opening with an audience movement meditation and closing with a live performance painting, offering the collective multiple ways of digesting our inescapable interconnectedness.

Ffion is a multidisciplinary artist and Associate Director of House Of Absolute. Born and raised in Wales, Ffion is Welsh-speaking, non-binary gender fluid with mixed heritage based in London. Graduate of LCDS & Calarts. They are a voice and movement practitioner within experimental, indigenous ritual, holistic therapy, and martial arts forms. Ffion is a music, film producer & composer of their own works within the umbrella of visual arts. Currently researching methods of inter-disciplinary performance painting, that encompasses their skills in live art and exhibitionism. Their work explores identity, sexism, the psychology of discrimination, and ritual as a form of healing, connection, and community.

Access: BSL by Nez Parr

Latecomer policy: Doors will open fifteen minutes before the performance start time, please arrive promptly as this event has limited capacity. Any empty seats five minutes before the performance start time, will be released and re-sold on a first come first served basis on the door.

This performance is Pay What You Can. Please choose a ticket price according to what you can afford.

Payments go directly to supporting the artists that we work with and our community to bring you more performances, exhibitions, events, and activities like this in the future as well as ensuring Chapter is as inclusive and accessible as possible.
