The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


Anushiye Yarnell: Archipelago Movement Class

  • 1h 30m

£5 - £12


  • Duration 1h 30m
  • Type Workshop

Join artist Anushiye Yarnell for Archipelago Movement classes, inspired by Scaravelli yoga, creative asana, Noguchi gymnastics, and developmental and evolutionary movement patterns. Gentle, adaptable and open to all experience levels.

Exploring forms for feeling and unfolding your own personal body sovereignties.

Form & Feeling

Geometry & Organism

Softness & Dynamism

Balance & Fluctuation

Activity & Receptivity

Resistance & Surrender

Inhabiting & translating strength as

relational, reciprocal, experience

(to carry & be carried)

through elemental sensations

density, levity and fluidity.


Times & Tickets