
A big thank you to everyone who supported us during our Big Give campaign! We’ve successfully raised £8,766 for Deaf Gathering Cymru 2025.

The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.

Support us

As a registered charity, the generosity of our visitors, supporters, trusts and foundations helps us to bring exciting experiences in con­tem­porary art, performance and film to Wales.

Your support makes it possible for us to show multiple world-class exhibitions, bring you over 2000 cinema screenings, more than 400 live performances and many more workshops, classes, talks and events each year.

It allows us to keep our doors open as a person-centred community hub with the arts at its core, and to support hundreds of local artists by providing space, equipment, funding and advice.

Most of our income comes from ticket and Caffi Bar sales, room hire, fundraising endeavours and donations. So, each time you visit us – whether you’re grabbing a takeaway coffee, sitting down for a bite to eat or enjoying a film on the big screen – you’re directly helping us to continue our creative work.

Image credit: Kirsten McTernan, Barbie Premier Party 2023.

Ffrindiau Chapter Friends

In this challenging climate for charities, by giving £5 a month, or through an annual £45 payment, you’ll be responsible for supporting everything we do here - from our free family films, to working with and for our communities and the hundreds of artists, filmmakers, performers, choreographers, musicians and creatives, we work with every single year to ensure our city remains a thriving creative hub.

£5 per month

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£45 annually

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Support Chapter

Thank you for your continued support. Your donation means that we can continue our charitable work, creating space for creative communities in Wales.

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  • The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


    Our volunteers are a fantastic bunch of people who come from all walks of life but share one thing in common – they’re passionate about Chapter and what we do.

  • The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


    Every penny you spend supports our work and enables us to be a vibrant hub for our community

  • The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.

    Community Larder

    Our Community Larder is a small way for us to give back to people on our doorstep who are struggling to make ends meet.

  • The back of a navy velour cinema seat with the letter A on the back left.

    Adopt a seat

    Adopt one of our lovely theatre or cinema seats as a legacy for a friend, colleague or loved one, or simply for a birthday, anniversary or in remembrance.

  • The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


    A legacy gift costs you nothing now, but could mean a great deal to the future generations who will enjoy Chapter as much as you do.

  • The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


    Give us the gift of your friendship and bring incredible contemporary art, performance and film to Wales.

  • Multicoloured bunting and balloons are hung in Chapter's car park. People walk around the stalls on a sunny day.

    Our Supporters

    Your support makes it possible for us to show world-class exhibitions, bring you 2000 cinema screenings, 400 live performances and many more workshops, classes, talks and events each year.

Theatr Iolo and Kitsch & Sync Colelctive perform on a stage at Chapter. In a marquee style with large floral boxes to the side, the performners are extending their arms in a row of three, the middle performer with their arts outstreched above everyone else.

We’ve been a catalyst for creativity and critical thinking since 1971.

Read our story