- 3h 0m
- Hyd 3h 0m
- Tystysgrif 18+
- Math Music
Sgleiniwch eich latecs ac estynnwch am eich lledr, mae eich hoff griw bwtsh ’nôl!
Yn syth ar ôl Impact Driver gan Eve Stainton, bydd y criw CINC o Gaerdydd yn cynnal parti heb ei ail i ddilyn. Os nad ydych chi wedi clywed amdanyn nhw eto, paratowch am gwiardeb poeth a chwyslyd di-ben-draw. Maen nhw wedi curadu noson o’u hoff DJs lleol i lenwi’r noson gyda chymysgedd o hyper-pop a thecno slebogaidd.
Welwn ni chi ar y llawr dawnsio!
More at Chapter
- Performance
Eve Stainton: Impact Driver
Artist and performance-maker Eve Stainton presents their choreographic touring work, Impact Driver, featuring welding, movement and live sound.
- Performance
Welsh Ballroom Community X Supreme 007 & Tayo 007 presents The Bad B Kiki Ball
This Halloween, it’s time to activate the villainess that lives within all of us at ‘The Bad B Kiki Ball!!’
- Performance
Strike Out presents: Pits and Perverts
40 mlynedd ar ôl streic y glowyr 1984-85, ymunwch a ni am noswyl o ddathlu a dysgu gyda Strike Out.