
Rhoddion yw’r ffordd fwyaf effeithiol o’n helpu ni, gan ein bod ni’n derbyn 100% o’r hyn rydych chi’n ei roi i ni (does dim TAW). Os ydych chi’n drethdalwr yn y Deyrnas Unedig, gallwch hefyd gynyddu gwerth eich rhodd 25% gyda Rhodd Cymorth.

Mae croeso i bob rhodd, boed yn daliad un tro, neu os hoffech drefnu swm rheolaidd. Diolch!

Cefnogi Chapter

Mae rhoddi yn ffordd syml, ddiogel, ac effeithiol i gefnogi ein gwaith sy'n elwa miloedd o bobl bob blwyddyn.

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Monthly Donation

Giving a regular gift allows us to have a reliable income stream which means we can plan more effectively. As a donor, you have complete control and can change or cancel your donation at any time, whilst also spreading the cost of your support. Your donation will be debited from your card once a month. Please keep the 'Autorenew' box ticked.


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£25 Monthly Donation

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Community Larder donations

Our Community Larder is a small way to help supplement what can’t be afforded, rather than replacing what can be afforded; and as such we’ll be supporting the Community Larder with regular donations. We encourage those in our community who can afford to, to support our new initiative with donations of in-date non-perishable food. The Community Larder is not staffed but will be managed by our friendly front of house team, who have been spearheading this initiative.

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Eisiau gweld mwy o bethau digwydd yn Chapter?

Rhoddion yw’r ffordd fwyaf effeithiol o’n helpu ni, gan ein bod ni’n derbyn 100% o’r hyn rydych chi’n ei roi i ni (does dim TAW). Os ydych chi’n drethdalwr yn y Deyrnas Unedig, gallwch hefyd gynyddu gwerth eich rhodd 25% gyda Rhodd Cymorth.

Mae croeso i bob rhodd, boed yn daliad un tro, neu os hoffech drefnu swm rheolaidd. Diolch!

Ffrindiau Chapter Friends

Gyda’ch cyfeillgarwch chi, byddwch chi’n ein helpu ni i rannu celf gyfoes, perfformiadau a ffilmiau anhygoel o Gymru a gweddill y byd.

A dimly lit, full cinema. Two people are stood on stage in front of the cinema screen talking to the audience. Behind the speakers is a still image from the Barbie Movie.

Talebau Anrheg

Pa rodd gwell na pherfformiadau newydd radical, ffilmiau indi newydd clodwiw, dramâu newydd gan ddramodwyr gorau Cymru, tymhorau ffilm wedi’u curadu, a phopeth rhyngddyn nhw, gyda Thaleb Anrheg Chapter?

Talwch yma