A man stands with his hands in his pockets in front of Film Hub Wales posters and poses for a camera.

Film Hub Wales

Film Hub Wales aims to bring more films, to more people, in more places around Wales. Chapter is proud to be the Film Hub lead organ­isation for Wales. 

Film Hub Wales celebrates cinema. Our Hub team funds, trains and advises organisations that screen film, from film festivals, to societies and mixed arts centres. Working with over 300 Welsh exhibitors, the Hub aims to bring the best British and International film to all audiences across Wales and the UK.

Film Hub Wales is one of eight hubs that form the British Film Institute’s Film Audience Network funded by the National Lottery.

Film Hub Wales also leads Made in Wales, a project developed to celebrate films with Welsh connections and was proud to manage the UK Inclusive Cinema strategy on behalf of the British Film Institute’s Film Audience Network 2017-23.

Chapter is proud to be the Film Hub Lead Organisation for Film Hub Wales (FHW).

Find out more

FHW has supported over 310 cinema projects since 2013, reaching over 558,000 audience members. Take a look at some of the highlights to date.

Join the Hub

If your organisation screens films to a public audience, you can become a member and benefit from research, training courses, bursaries, audience development funds, advice and more.

If you’re a filmmaker, check out the filmmaker and distributor support sheet for advice on how Film Hub Wales can promote your film to its exhibition network.

Three speakers sit on a stage in front of a cinema screen, with an audience sat watching. Behind them on the screen is a still image from Barbie the Movie.

Film Hub Wales

Film Hub Wales aims to bring more films, to more people, in more places around Wales. Chapter is proud to be the Film Hub lead organ­isa­tion for Wales.

Find out more