
The lift to First Floor is currently out of order. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused.

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The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


Chapter Gallery is open Tuesday-Sunday, 11am-5pm.

We com­mis­sion and present thought-pro­vok­ing exhib­i­tions and events by con­tem­por­ary artists who expand our world­view and chal­lenge the status quo. Embracing mul­tiple and diverse per­spect­ives, risk-tak­ing and exper­i­ment­a­tion, our pro­gramme encom­passes all art forms includ­ing visu­al arts, live art and mov­ing image, encour­aging cross-fer­til­isa­tion between bound­ar­ies and disciplines.

International in outlook and embedded in Wales, we work with artists based locally and globally. From solo presentations and group exhibitions to artist interventions and residencies, we collaborate with artists at all stages of their careers, supporting them to realise ambitious ideas and new ways of working.

The artists we work with actively engage with critical questions and issues that shape our present and we foster dialogue between audiences, artists and their practice through a public programme that provides opportunities to connect, (un)learn and reflect on our histories, the way we live now and how we might imagine new futures.

More from Chapter Gallery

  • The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


    Whose voices are heard in museums, whose histories are told, and how does exploring the past shape the future of anti-racism?

    We're working with Sophie Mak-Schram on this project.

More information

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    We’re committed to making our venue accessible to everyone.

  • Access & Facilities

    Information on parking, access in our building and the access support that we offer for our programme and hires spaces.

  • Group visits & Tours

    Are you a school, university or other educational organisation looking to visit us with a group of 10 or more? See how we can support your visit.